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Jasinski Appointed Editor of Online Scientific Journal

Dr. Jerry Jasinski (Ann Card photo)
Dr. Jerry Jasinski (Ann Card photo)

Dr. Jerry Jasinski (Chemistry) has been appointed co-editor of Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online, the open-access structural journal of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).

The IUCr promotes international cooperation in crystallography and contributes to all aspects of crystallography: promoting international publication of crystallographic research; facilitating standardization of methods, units, nomenclatures, and symbols; and forming a focus for the relation of crystallography to other sciences.

The technique of single-crystal X-ray crystallography allows accurate and precise determination of the full three-dimensional structure of a molecule and the spatial arrangement of molecules relative to the neighboring molecules. These studies have an impact in a number of areas, ranging from synthetic chemistry to systems of biological interest and cleaning of the environment.

The online journal provides an easily accessible publication mechanism for the growing number of inorganic, metal-organic, and organic crystal structure determinations. In 2007, the journal published over 5,000 structures. Articles are published in a short-format style with enhanced supplementary materials (HTML and PDF supplements, CIF, structure factors, graphics), a much richer collection of material than is provided by publishers of other structural journals.

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