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KSC Grounds Department Honored

Ryan McKernan; Bud Winsor with a President’s Award for Excellence on Friday, January 30.
Ryan McKernan; Bud Winsor with a President’s Award for Excellence on Friday, January 30.

President Giles-Gee presents Bud Winsor with a President’s Award for Excellence on Friday, January 30. Dr. Y began the President’s Award for Excellence in recognition of extraordinary contribution or service to the campus by an individual or a department. The awards are presented only at the designation of the President, and can be given at any time of the year. This award was given to the KSC Grounds Department to recognize excellence in the performance of their responsibilities through “sunshine, rain, ice, sleet, and snow through spring, summer, fall, and winter,” most especially during the recent winter storms that have kept the crew working long hours during curtailed operations.

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Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119