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Save Money, Pollute Less, and Make a Friend

Renate Gebauer (left) and Mary Jensen try to car pool at least once a week.
Renate Gebauer (left) and Mary Jensen try to car pool at least once a week.

From Eric Anderson, a journalism senior at KSC and member of the Sustainability Council: With falling gas prices, the number of miles Americans are driving has also dropped, and the most likely culprit is the sagging economy. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Americans traveled 11 billion fewer miles in 2008 than in 2007. One plan that can help keep money in drivers’ pockets is the Keene State College ride-share program.

The college has teamed up with to bring together faculty and staff to share the commute to campus. Mary Jensen, coordinator of Sustainability Programs and Recycling, joined in a car pool with professor Renate Gebauer of the college’s science department. Jensen and Gebauer try to carpool at least once a week. Jensen believes she drives at least 60 miles a month less and that it saves on gas and the car’s wear and tear. Also, she says carpooling offers “an enjoyable conversation on the way to and from work, and an opportunity to get to know someone better.”

The American Automobile Association estimates that it costs approximately 54 cents a mile to drive your car (figure includes gas, oil, maintenance, tires, and depreciation). For a 40-mile round-trip commute, this comes to $21.64 per day, $454 monthly, and $5,453 annually. KSC’s Sustainability Council hopes these figures will motivate college employee’s to share rides, but Jensen says the Human Resources department is also offering prize incentives to spur potential car poolers. Both Gebauer and Jensen have the environment on their minds when they ride to work — says that approximately 18 pounds of carbon monoxide are created for every gallon of gasoline that is burned. But Jensen also considers government taxes: in theory, fewer vehicles on the road will decrease the amount of tax money spent on highway maintenance.

If you are looking for someone to carpool with, visit this link. You’ll find answers to any questions you may have about logistics and tips for a smooth running ride share. For Jensen and Gebauer, the chance to make a difference, even a small one, is well worth any scheduling conflicts: They are saving money and polluting less, and they’ve made a lasting friendship.

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