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Academic Excellence Conference Proposal Deadline

From Donna Hinz, Academic Affairs: Hard copies of sponsor-approved and signed proposals and abstracts for the Academic Excellence Conference must be submitted to Donna Hinz’s office in Hale Building no later than 5 p.m. on December 3, 2008. Students should place their proposals in the wall pocket outside the door. Please ask students to save the forms as a Word document on their computer so they will have them for future reference. Here is a link to forms, process, and guidelines.

Upon review of abstracts, the committee will make one of the following recommendations:

Accepted: Congratulations! Your abstract is accepted. Please work with your faculty/staff mentor to prepare for the conference.
Accepted with Minor Revision: Please work with your faculty/staff mentor to revise the abstract addressing issues identified by reviewers. Resubmit your proposal by the posted re-submission deadline.
Denied: The AEC Committee regrets to inform you that your proposal has been denied.
The committee members are looking forward to receiving proposals and wish mentors/sponsors and students well as the final proposals are crafted. For more information contact Donna Hinz at

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Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119