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Pumpkins, Owls, and Alumni Center Dedication

KSC Pumpkin Lobotomy
KSC Pumpkin Lobotomy

Homecoming celebrations brought Owls, alums, and 2,000 pumpkins from Gardiner, Maine, to campus this weekend. Director of Student Life Paul Striffolino reports that 2,000 students carved pumpkins on Friday: “At the height of the event there wasn’t a square inch of Quad grass to be seen!”

Forty student organizations offered everything from pizza to caramel-covered apples, donuts, and cider to nourish the carvers, and for the second year no cuts were reported due to the introduction of “kiddie’’ carving knives.

President Helen Giles-Gee, Children’s Literature Festival director David White, and artist Michael Dooling with the Children’s Literature Gallery’s 100th Owl (in the blue coat), unveiled this weekend in honor of KSC’s Centennial celebration.

President Helen Giles-Gee, former KSC-USNH trustee Bob Mallatt ‘58, and former faculty member Nancy Coutts ‘66 discuss the plans for the new Alumni Center at the site dedication. The ceremony took place on October 25 as part of Homecoming festivities. Work is expected to begin on the project in the spring of 2009 with an opening of the center in the spring of 2010.

Contact Marketing & Communications

Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119