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President’s Commission for the Promotion of Wellness Offers Membership Opportunity

From Christine Burke, Health Services: The President’s Commission for the Promotion of Wellness (PCPOW) seeks new members to fill vacated positions. The PCPOW is responsible for promoting wellness opportunities for all KSC members, and meets monthly to coordinate efforts like the Keene State College Wellness Challenge, yoga classes, and the Brown Bag Lunch series, as well as taking an active role in policy development such as the most recently updated tobacco policy. In addition, the commission works to support the ELF initiatives (through USNH) that take place here at Keene State. If personal and workplace wellness is an area of interest to you, we would welcome your input!

The commission is currently seeking:
2 faculty representatives
1 adjunct faculty representative
1 complementary staff representative
1 PAT representative

If you are interested, please send a brief statement of interest to

Contact Marketing & Communications

Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119