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Elliot Center Lead Abatement Project Completed

Elliot Center Lead Abatement Project Completed
Elliot Center Lead Abatement Project Completed

This summer the College began the abatement of lead paint found on parts of the trim on the Elliot Center overlooking the Child Development Center (CDC) playground. The project started on June 18, and the final pieces of scaffolding were removed on August 15.

“They were able to remove all of the paint from the rake and eaves and sunporch on the portions of the Elliot Center that border the playground, and replaced 63 windows,” said Sylvie Rice, manager of Environmental Health and Safety.

The white picket fence separating the playground from the sides of the Elliot Center has been reinstalled, and on August 9 Covino Environmental Associates, Inc., collected soil samples from the playground and along the drip line to document the concentrations of lead. All of the soil samples outside of the fenced area are well below the maximum allowable concentration. The CDC opens on August 25.

“The project went well and was completed on schedule, thanks to Chris Cormier and American Construction Company, who managed the project,” said Rice. “The College will be meeting this fall with the state to determine what, if any, actions will need to be taken to address the one location between the picket fence and the building where elevated soil levels remain.”

Photo: Sylvie Rice

Scaffolding covered the Elliot Center for much of the summer while 63 windows were replaced and all lead paint was removed from the wooden trim.

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Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119