Generous Donation in Honor of Delmar Ogg

For several generations of Keene State College alumni, the name “Delmar Ogg” prompts a smile and an expression of gratitude. “Del,” as he is fondly known, was a member of the Technology, Design and Safety faculty from 1971 until 2006. His research of technical competencies desired by employers in the manufacturing sector contributed to the curriculum for the Sustainable Product Design & Innovation (SPDI) program that launched in 2008. The SPDI program integrates product design methodologies, cutting-edge manufacturing technologies, and hands-on model and prototype building, all within a liberal arts context to equip students to build a more sustainable future.
In honor of Dr. Ogg, and to support today’s SPDI faculty and students, the family of an alumnus has generously donated $500,000 to create two new funds at Keene State: The Delmar Ogg SPDI Faculty Professional Development Endowment, and the Delmar Ogg SPDI Scholarship Endowment. The faculty professional development fund will enable faculty to stay current with the most innovative technologies, and the scholarship fund will enable Keene State to recruit promising students to the SPDI program.
Additionally, the donors have agreed to match every gift to SPDI for any purpose, dollar for dollar, up to $500,000. Keene State President Melinda Treadwell ’90 said of the opportunity, “This generous support will ensure that SPDI faculty are ahead of technology trends, so students graduate ready for the jobs of today and tomorrow. A SPDI degree from Keene State College evolves continuously to meet the needs of a fast-changing sector of the economy. Thanks to gifts like this one, this degree will continue to open doors to careers in engineering, product design, marketing, manufacturing and more. We are sincerely grateful for the vote of confidence in Keene State and in SPDI.”
“Dr. Ogg was instrumental in my pursuit to become a technology education teacher. He inspired students to challenge their thinking, creatively solve problems, and apply learning from books to real life application. It was through Dr. Ogg’s classroom that I became exposed to the many facets of manufacturing as the industry was beginning the transition from the old “shop” processes to integration and advancement of technology. Dr. Ogg was always a positive influence on all of the students in his presence. His love of teaching supported my career choice to enter into the world of education.”
Kevin Richard ’90
BS ED Industrial Arts
SAU 90 Superintendent of Schools, Conway NH
“I was Del’s lab assistant for two years and he was a great low key teacher and I learned a lot about both the material and how to teach it. He insisted that “ogee” was not pronounced “Oh-Gee” but as “Ogg-ee.”
Joe Barry ’80
BS ED Industrial Arts
“Del was my supervising teacher during my student teaching experience, and shared with me an interesting tip. Back in the day “shop” classes were often filled with many of the school’s more challenging students, and he suggested showing that you may have a temper can help keep a class on their toes, but to show it without having it directed towards any students. He simply said to maybe bump awkwardly into a table and demonstratively show your displeasure with that happening and the kids would notice. I have done a version of this ever since, and over my 32 years I have only sent ONE student to the office ever. The best thing about Del as a professor was that he was a real person who would work with his students almost as equals. He would let you make mistakes then help you learn from them, another tactic I have used throughout my career. Del was truly one of the best professors I ever worked with and felt very lucky to have had him share his experiences with me.” Respectfully,
Steve Erdody ’88
BS ED Industrial Arts
For more information about the matching gift opportunity, contact Marilyn Shriver, CFRE, Director of Development, or 603-358-2371.