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What Exactly is Resumania?

On two afternoons in the fall (October 11 and 12), and in the spring (March 21 and 22), Keene State College Alumni, supported by professional staff from Academic and Career Advising, come back to campus and meet with Keene State students to assist with strengthening their resumes in anticipation of both the fall and spring job fairs that are held later in the week.

This school year, 134 students have benefitted from Resumania. Alumni see this as a very rewarding experience and a very successful collaboration between Academic and Career Advising and the KSC Alumni Office.

“Thank you!” to the following alumni who have shared their resume expertise with students this past fall and spring: Sue Fortier, Kalie Randlett, Dennis Carroll, Charlie Owusu, Ray Jobin, Jacquelyn Blasik, Martha Curtis, Jordan Rogers, Ashley McAllister, Amy Wright, Melanie Sch9llemat, Sherryl Zinn, Katrina Baumgartner, Tod Dwyer, and David Westover. Aaron Rock, Louise Ewing, and Bev Behrmann from Academic and Career Advising supported our alumni volunteers.

Please email David Westover, if you’d like to assist with Resumania this fall (2017).

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Keene, New Hampshire 03435