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Do You Know an Award-deserving Alum? Nominate Them!

Keene State Alumni Association logo

Do you know an alum – or an organization – who’s made an impact in their community? The Keene State’s Alumni Association Awards Committee is looking for nominations for its annual Alumni Awards, so let us know about those deserving heroes out there. Help us recognize outstanding achievement and service to the Alumni Association and the College.

The awards categories are:

Alumni Achievement Award

Given to one whose professional achievement in his/her chosen field brings honor to him or herself and Keene State College. Recipients must be bona fide alumnus of Keene State College or Keene Teachers College.

Alumni Inspiration Award

This honor recognizes the exceptional accomplishments of an alumnus/na who graduated from Keene State College not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award. In addition to recognized accomplishments the recipient must show promise for continued success.

Outstanding Service Award

Given to an individual or organization which has provided outstanding service to Keene State College through leadership, commitment, and influence in programs and activities of the College. Recipients may be alumni, staff, faculty, friends, or associates of Keene State College.

Sprague W. Drenan Award

Given to one whose participation in, and support of alumni activities and events is worthy of recognition. Recipients must be bona fide alumni of Keene State College or Keene Teachers College.

Distinguished Teacher Award

Nominate your favorite prof for the 2017 Distinguished Teacher Award!  This is a team effort – you will need letters from students, alumni, & the nominee’s campus colleagues. Please coordinate a nomination with the nominee’s department.  

Nominations are due April 14, 2017, and the awards will be presented at the Keene State College All Alumni Reunion on June 9, 10, and 11th.

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