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Dr. Carroll Lehman Publishes “From Sh-t on my Boots to Carnegie Hall”

Music Professor Emeritus Carroll J. Lehman with his new book
Music Professor Emeritus Carroll J. Lehman with his new book

Professor Emeritus of Music Carroll J. Lehman recently published a book entitled From Sh-t on my Boots to Carnegie Hall: a memoir of a Pennsylvania Mennonite farm boy’s personal, spiritual, and musical journey. Dr. Lehman treks the reader through his evolution from a Mennonite farm boy living in the tough Appalachian town of Pond Bank, Pennsylvania, with little knowledge of the non-Mennonite cultural and spiritual world to a life unimaginable to that small boy. His journey took him through peaks and valleys, doubts and tough decisions to a comfortable level of personal and spiritual achievement. He shares his music education and performance experiences by which he became an opera singer, a conductor, and a professor. Highlights of his career include seven international choir tours; singing for and shaking hands with the Pope; sharing a concert with tribal choirs in Regina Mundi Church in Soweto, South Africa; dancing and drinking with Siberian Russians; conducting a concert in Carnegie Hall; and 40-plus years of successful teaching. From Sh-t on my Boots to Carnegie Hall is available at

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