New York Representative Rangel Proclaims December 11th James Waller Day

Cohen Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies Jim Waller got an unexpected surprise when he was in New York City for a launch of his new book, Confronting Evil: Engaging our Responsibility to Prevent Genocide (Oxford University Press, 2016). He learned that the U.S. Representative for New York’s 13th Congressional District, Charles Rangel, had proclaimed December 11 as “A Day in Honor of James Waller.”
“This is a nice statement on the work that my position at Keene State College allows me to do, but is really more a recognition of the collective work being done by many people at the College and beyond in genocide education and prevention,” Dr. Waller said.
Here’s the text of Rep. Rangel’s proclamation:
James Waller has dedicated his life to preventing genocide. Dr. Waller grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. He has been an educator for his entire professional life. Dr. Waller educates and trains in genocide prevention for the U.S. Army command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He is looked to by many as a leading expert on genocide, has lectured at more than 50 colleges and universities, and is frequently consulted by media sources.
Dr. Waller is regularly involved in the policy process through his role as Director of Academic Programs with the Auschwitz Institute of Peace and Reconciliation. Dr. Waller has delivered briefings on genocide prevention and perpetrator behavior for the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, the CIA Directorate of Intelligence, and the International Human Rights Unit of the FBI.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES B. RANGEL, Representative of the 13th Congressional District of New York in the House of Representatives, in view of the above, do hereby proclaim DECEMBER 11, 2016, as “JAMES WALLER DAY.” I call upon the people of my district to observe their day with appropriate celebrations.