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Seth Kaiser ’13’s Art Sale Gets Mention in New York Times

Seth Kaiser (right) and Prof. Paul McMullan in front of "Alchemy" at Emerging Art 2013
Seth Kaiser (right) and Prof. Paul McMullan in front of "Alchemy" at Emerging Art 2013

When the New York Times ran an article in May about the tasteful way Graham Parker, the general manager of the classical music public radio station WQXR, had renovated his Hudson Heights apartment, it mentioned that he had bought a piece of artwork from former Keene State art student Seth Kaiser.

“While doing some consulting at Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan, Mr. Parker fell in love with a piece that was part of a show by staff members: nine large color-swirled tiles. It was the first art he had ever bought; it was the first work that Seth Kaiser, a ceramist and recent art school graduate, had ever sold,” the article said.

Actually, the piece, entitled Alchemy, was one that Kaiser had created for the 2013 Emerging Art show, the annual exhibit that showcases the work of senior BFA and BA art students. So how did that get to Interlochen and in front of Graham Parker?

“During the summer following graduation, I was recruited as a kiln manager at the Interlochen Center for the Arts, an internationally renowned music and visual arts school and camp,” Kaiser said. “In the middle of the summer, Interlochen asked that faculty and staff showcase their work, and their abilities, in a visual arts exhibit. I decided to put my best foot forward and chose to show Alchemy.

Though Kaiser is now very dedicated to his life as an artist, he struggled mightily while he was here at Keene State between following his passion and going into a major, such as one of the STEM disciplines, where he might be more likely to land a job. “I owe a lot to my professors at KSC, especially Paul McMullan and Lynn Richardson. If I am being honest, I wouldn’t have ever produced that work or probably even sought a BFA had it not been for Paul’s support and advice.”

“Seth was a very dedicated student, Prof McMullen recalled. “He came to KSC with an interest in ceramics, and I watched as he explored the different classes and majors around campus. He would bring his new ideas and knowledge back to the ceramic studio. Once Seth found his own voice in clay with his painterly large tiles, he was off to the races. He is committed to being an artist – it’s in his blood.”

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