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Alicia Drakiotes ’87's Painting Chosen for Tourism Logo

Alicia Drakiotes ’87 holding Beyond the Fence
Alicia Drakiotes ’87 holding Beyond the Fence

A painting of Mt. Monadnock, entitled Beyond the Fence, by Alicia Gellenberg Drakiotes ’87 has been chosen as the logo for the 2015 Governor’s Conference for Tourism, which will take place in Keene this spring. Alicia was a non-traditional student when she was at KSC—though she attended full time, she was also a full-time parent and part time worker through the KSC work/studies program. “I was a pilot, I believe, in the Individualized major program in the ’80s,” Drakiotes explained. “I had a dual major in Art/Journalism. John Roberts [professor of Art] was one of my  three curriculum advisors.”

Drakiotes is currently a adjunct faculty member of the New Hampshire Institute of Art at the Sharon Arts campus and travels to present painting demonstrations and workshops to art organizations across New England. She also runs Alicia Drakiotes Studio in Marlborough, NH.

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