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KSC's Communicorps: Students Design for the Community

Jay Kahn, vice president for Finance and Planning, talks with Architecture students in the Communicorps program about their Expo Center design for the City of Keene and the College. Photo: Annie Card
Jay Kahn, vice president for Finance and Planning, talks with Architecture students in the Communicorps program about their Expo Center design for the City of Keene and the College. Photo: Annie Card

KEENE, N.H., 5/8/08 - For 16 years, students from Keene State College’s Communicorps class have solved design problems for community organizations in the Monadnock region. This required course in the Architecture program emphasizes a team approach to solving complex architectural problems, giving sophomore and junior students valuable experience with real-life architectural problems.

On May 1, community members were invited to see the designs at a luncheon in the Mountain View Room. Ten student teams (30 students) created designs for seven major projects:

  • The renovation of incubator office space for Hannah Grimes, providing a new office layout and solving space and access issues.
  • A design for the Moving Company for a cultural arts center to be located in the Keene Middle School. The building includes a theatre, dance studios, fitness rooms, and art and music studios.
  • A feasibility study for the conversion of the Firehouse located on Vernon Street. The design includes a whole foods store, coffee shop, and law offices.
  • A new 38-unit affordable senior housing unit for Southwestern Community Services.
  • A “green” biodiesel facility for the Monadnock Biodiesel Collaborative, a joint project of the College and the City of Keene.
  • An Expo Center (ice hockey rink and track and field facility) on Gilbo Avenue for the College and the City of Keene.
  • The renovation of 112 apartment units for the Keene Housing Authority.

For more information on the Communicorps program, contact Donna Paley at

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Keene, New Hampshire 03435