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USNH Board of Trustees Newsletter



The USNH Board of Trustees

October 29, 2002

Business Meeting…

The University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees—fresh from their recent retreat–held their first business meeting of the school year this week on the campus of UNH. The morning was spent at the New England Center meeting with faculty, operating and PAT staff from the university…..the Operating Staff received high marks for a film presentation focusing on why students choose to attend UNH….The emphasis of the PAT presentation was on a new method of programming at the university titled, “Managing at UNH.”……then the Faculty representatives joined the Trustees for a valuable discussion on how to get the word out about the many important partnerships that UNH has with communities throughout the state….. Board Chairman John Lynch concluded the meetings by thanking the employee groups for their efforts and reminding them that, “we are all in this together.” Trustees will continue to meet with employee groups on the various campuses every year.

Chancellor’s Comments…At their retreat earlier this month, the Trustees worked on developing the major issues that would be the driving force of their work for the year. At this week’s business meeting, Chancellor Reno presented the final version of what is called, “Setting the Course for Higher Education.” The report focuses on three major issues that the board will address: (1) USNH as a catalyst for state-wide work force and economic development; (2) System value and Board functioning; and (3) USNH and NHCTC relationship.

New Home for CLL…Chancellor Reno reported that discussions continue with community leaders from the City of Concord with regard to an alternative location for the College for Lifelong learning. While he was unable to go into details, he did indicate that a recommendation would be forthcoming to the Board.

Alternative Certification…The University System continues to work with the Department of Education in the area of Alternative Certification. Chancellor Reno reported to the Board that he is working with Education Commissioner Nick Donohue and the College for Lifelong Learning to establish a center that would give greater visibility to alternative certification as a way of preparing teachers for the classroom.

Plymouth State University…With a unanimous vote, the Board approved a motion that would direct and authorize Chancellor Reno to seek legislation amending RSA 187-A as necessary to change the name of Plymouth State College to Plymouth State University. Appropriately, the initial motion was made by Trustee Gene Savage, a PSC graduate and currently serving as the PSC Alumni Trustee. The motion had received unanimous support of the Executive, Programs & Services, External Affairs, and Financial Affairs Committees.

Kingsbury Hall…The Board also voted to approve the revised budget, schematic design and program for the expansion and renovation of Kingsbury Hall at UNH; that the source of funds by $680,000 from the FY01/02 State Appropriation, $44M from the FY02/03 KEEP Funding, and $6M in Private Fundraising; and that an additional $2.3M be authorized for furniture and equipment subject to the availability of funding. The revised total project budget is $52.9M.

Former Trustees…Following the business meeting, the Board held a reception for the Council of Former Trustees. Following a presentation of the Strategic Plan and a discussion of the challenges facing the Board in the next Legislative session, a Q&A; sessions was held with the former trustees. UNH President Ann Hart also welcomed the Council to campus and gave a brief overview of her plans for the future at UNH. The Council remains an important advocacy group for the University System and its institutions.

Next Meeting…The next business meeting of the Board will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2003 at the College for Lifelong Learning’s Pease Tradeport facility. During the morning session, Trustees will meet with employee groups of CLL.

Agendas Posted…Agendas for the Board of Trustees’ business meetings, as well as committee meetings, can now be found on the BOT Website prior to each meeting. The can be found listed with the calendar dates at:

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