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KSC Joins National Alliance to Improve Student Learning

KEENE, N.H. 11/15/10 - Keene State College has become a founding member of the Presidents’ Alliance to Improve Student Learning, a national initiative to advance student learning through expanded assessment and reporting.

The College joins more than 70 two- and four-year, public and private colleges and universities nationwide who have signed an agreement to expand their efforts to gather and report evidence of student learning and use it to achieve desired learning outcomes. Alliance members have agreed to assist each other and to publicly report on their efforts and encourage other institutions to take similar steps.

“Membership in the Alliance comes at an important time for Keene State College as we redouble our assessment efforts and connect these directly to the classroom and co-curricular experience,” said Keene State College President Helen Giles-Gee. “I am delighted by this opportunity to showcase the progress we have made, to learn from other institutions, and to share some of the promising practices that have emerged from our work.”

The Presidents’ Alliance was created by the New Leadership Alliance for Student Learning and Accountability. A description of the Presidents’ Alliance, including an online searchable database that describes each institution’s commitments, can be found on the Alliance’s website.

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229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435