Mary Benson Receives Creative Writing Scholarship

KSC senior Mary Benson, of Chester, NH, has been awarded the Eder Creative Writing Scholarship.
Former Dean of Program Development & Graduate Studies at Keene State from 1978-82, Doris L. Eder and her husband Donald Gray Eder established the scholarship “out of respect for creative writing and for Keene State College. The purpose of this endowment shall be to provide financial assistance and recognition to English majors/writing minors who have organized their undergraduate studies around a passion for writing.”
Which Mary surely has. “I cannot think back to where my interest in writing began, whereas I don’t remember a time without it,” the English major/writing minor said. “What began as short fiction eventually turned to poetry during my freshman year at Keene State. Aside from writing, I am also interested in cats, records, walking, and autumn.” You can read some of her poetry in Newsline.
For more information on the Eder Creative Writing Scholarship, see “The Heart of the Matter” in the “Class Notes” section of the Winter 2007 edition of Keene State Today.