Thomas Oliphant Presents KSC's Mason Library Lecture

KEENE, N.H., 4/9/07 - Will New Hampshire again go Blue for President in 2008? The last two elections hint it might … and all thanks to George W. Bush and the Democrats’ secret weapon: voters who weren’t born in New Hampshire!
Journalist Thomas Oliphant will present “New Hampshire - Am I Blue?” at Keene State College’s 18th Annual Mason Library Lecture on Wednesday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the Mabel Brown Room of the Student Center.
Thomas Oliphant is a former Boston Globe writer (1968-2005; their Washington D.C. correspondent 1989-2005); he can be seen on multiple TV news programs, such as ABC’s Nightline, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Face The Nation, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and CBS This Morning, and is a regular guest on The Al Franken Show radio program.
He appeared in the 2004 movie Going Upriver in which he recounted his observations of John Kerry’s activities in opposition to the Vietnam War in 1971. His publications include All by Myself: The Unmaking of a Presidential Campaign (1989), Praying for Gil Hodges: A Memoir of the 1955 World Series and One Family’s Love of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and he is currently finishing a book tentatively titled Failed State.
Oliphant is a native of Brooklyn, a product of La Jolla High School in California, and a 1967 graduate of Harvard. He was one of three editors on special assignment who managed the Globe’s coverage of Boston’s traumatic school desegregation, reporting that was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1975. He has also won the writing award given by the American Society of Newspaper Editors. He has been named one of the country’s Top Ten political writers and one of Washington’s 50 most influential journalists by Washington Magazine.
The lecture is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the Wallace E. Mason Library and The Keene Sentinel. For more information, call 603-358-2723.