Former U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Comes to Keene State

KEENE, N.H. 2/26/07 - On Wednesday, March 7, at 7 p.m., former U.N. Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter will be speaking in the Mabel Brown Room of the Student Center at Keene State College. He will speak about the growing signs that the United States is preparing to attack Iran, discussing with the public the potential effects of this move.
Ritter served as Chief Weapons Inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq, where he was in charge of searching for weapons of mass destruction; he conceived, carried out, and participated in more than 40 inspections there. Ritter ultimately resigned from UNSCOM, determining that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction.
A former Major in the U.S. Marines, Ritter established himself in his distinguished 12-year career in government service within the U.S. armed services. He has long been an expert in the nation’s foreign policy, and his most recent book, Target Iran, provides a perspective not often heard about - the potentially devastating conflict between the United States and Iran. His current thinking can be gathered from his recently published article, “The Case for Engagement,” which appeared in The Nation magazine in November 2006. It can be found at
Ritter will also be speaking in Concord, Plymouth, and Durham. For more information about these events, visit He will also be Laura Knoy’s guest on NHPR’s The Exchange on Wednesday, March 7, at 9 am.
This event is sponsored by New Hampshire Peace Action, Mothers Uniting, the KSC History Club, the KSC Sociology Department, the KSC Political Science Department, and the KSC Campus Commission on Diversity and Multiculturalism. For more information, call 603-228-0559.