Keene State College Television Season Begins

KEENE, N.H. 2/22/05 - Keene State College Television News will begin its spring season on February 17, with local coverage of campus and city events. The newscasts will be aired on Thursdays at 5 and 11 p.m. on Time Warner Cable channel 8 and on the KSC closed circuit at 5, 6 and 7.
This season of KSC-TV will be different because of the larger group of students involved, says Rose Kundanis, professor of journalism. The class of 16 students will also work with New Hampshire Outlook, a New Hampshire Public TV news show.
Stories in the early newscasts include reports about the Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery Jurors’ Choice Exhibit, parking problems on campus, the new Birdhouse cheering section in Spaulding Gymnasium, the broadcast of KSC basketball games online, and dance floors in Keene.
Students play all roles in the newscast, including director, producer, anchor, co-anchor, camera operators, character generator operators and audio technicians.
Kundanis says that the newscast benefits students as well as those watching it. “Students on the news team are getting hands-on experience in television news,” she said. “Whether students end up working in television, they learn important interviewing and team building skills.”
KSC students have been producing the shows since 1988; they run for eight weeks during the spring and fall semesters.
For more information contract Rose Kundanis, professor of journalism, at 603-358-2404.