Poet Debra Kang Dean Reads Tonight
Debra Kang Dean will read her poetry tonight, Thursday, November 13, at 7 p.m. in room 210 of Rhodes Hall. The reading, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the KSC Commission on Multiculturalism, the English Department, and the dean of Arts and Humanities.
A third-generation American of Korean and Okinawan ancestry, Dean was born in Hawaii and received an MFA from the University of Montana. Her first book, News of Home, was published by BOA Editions Limited (1998). Her poems have been anthologized in The Best American Poetry 1999, The New American Poets: A Bread Loaf Anthology, Intersecting Circles: The Voices of Hapa Women, and Urban Nature: Poems About Wildlife in the City. She has new poems appearing or forthcoming in Tar River Poetry, Luna and The North Dakota Quarterly; and has recently completed a new book-length manuscript called Precipitates, which will be published by Boa Editions this month.
For more information, contact William Doreski at 8-2698.