Cheshire Academcy for Lifelong Learning Announces Spring Classes
KEENE, N.H. 2/21/03 – Iraq and the New World Order, Science through Forensic Investigation, and Environmental Issues in the New Century are three of the ten courses offered this spring by the Cheshire Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL) at Keene State College. CALL, an affiliate of the Elderhostel Institute Network, is an academic program for retired or older adults in the tri–state region. Spring courses take place on Fridays for eight weeks from March 7 to May 2, except for March 21, the Friday of KSC’s spring break. Each class meets for 80 mintues on the KSC campus, so may opt to take more than one course during the day. In Iraq and the New World Order, instructor Javed Chaudhri analyzes the current contretemps between the Iraq and the United States, reviewing the origins of the modern Iraqi state and its relationship with the West, particularly the United States and Britain, its former allies. Science through Forensic Investigation, taught by Susan Whittemore, explores ways in which science is used to solve crimes through forensic entomology, DNA fingerprinting, blood spatter analysis, and forensic anthropology and odontology. Environmental Issues in the New Century addresses the U.S. withdrawal from the Kyoto Agreement and recent relaxations of environmental policies concerning clean air, pure water, among other issues. Instructor Jules LaRocque suggests that participants read Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Aldo Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac, which will serve as common background for discussions. Famine and Emigration: The 19th Century in Ireland focuses on the Potato Famine of the 1840s, and the subsequent emigration of almost half of Ireland’s population. Instructor Paul Cullity uses films, music, and recommended readings to support class discussions. Writing Your Story is for people interested in writing stories they never got around to doing. Instructor Kate Phillips, former Hollywood actress and screenwriter, continues working with students from previous CALL sessions and welcomes new, aspiring writers. This course is limited to 12 people. Sex and the Middle Classes: The Comic Operas of Offenbach and Strauss explores The Tales of Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach and Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss. Instructor Frank Behrens uses his extensive collection of subtitled videos to study the comedies. Bill Watt will facilitate an Informal Reading Group, which begins with a discussion of Nine Tailors by Dorothy L. Sayers. Participants should come prepared to discuss the book on the first day; later works will be chosen by consensus among the group. Women in the Formative Christian Church surveys women in the Old Testament and in the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus and continues with a look at women in the Gospels, the Book of Acts, and early Church sources outside the New Testament. Instructor Mike Haines compares these women’s circumstances to situations in the modern Church. Poetry of Aging: A Literary Reading and Discussion Course examines the work of poets such as Donald Hall, Mary Oliver, Maya Angelou, W.B. Yeats, and Stanley Kunitz, who have explored the themes of middle and late life. Instructor Pat Fargnoli begins with suggestions on “how to read a poem” based on Edward Hirsh’s book of the same name. Introduction to the Personal Computer is designed for people with little or no computer experience. In this hands–on introduction to the PC students learn the basics of Windows, Microsoft Office, e–mail, and the Web. Instructor Vicki Trombley offers two sessions of the course, since each is limited to 10 people. This course starts on Friday, March 14, with the second class meeting on Friday, March 21, and thereafter follows the weekly CALL schedule. The cost for the CALL program is $37.50 for the spring term, which includes all classes. Advanced registration is recommended for all CALL courses. To register, visit the Continuing Education Office on the first floor of Elliot Hall, call 603–358–2290 or 1–800–KSC–1909 or visit
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