Keene State Music Major Performs Recital
KEENE, N.H. 2/6/03 - Stephanie Hurley, a Keene State College student from Peterborough, will perform her senior music recital on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 3 p.m. in the Alumni Recital Hall of the Redfern Arts Center on Brickyard Pond on the Keene State campus. The KSC Department of Music will present the recital free of charge. For further information about the recital, call 603-358-2177.
Hurley, a mezzo-soprano, will be accompanied throughout the recital by pianist Maura Glennon, an assistant professor of music at Keene State. Hurley will sing works by Schumann, Menotti, Debussy, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Mozart, Schubert, and others.
A student of Keene State voice instructor Pamela Stevens, Hurley sings with the KSC Chamber Singers and the KSC Jazz Ensemble. She also directs and sings with the KSC Vocal Jazz Group. Hurley, who holds a masters degree in elementary education, is expected to graduate from Keene State this spring with a bachelor of music in vocal performance and a bachelor of arts in music history. She is a member of the KSC chapter of the Music Educators National Conference and was named to Whos Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities in 2002.
Last summer, she sang regularly with pianist Bob Pettegrew for the after-the- show cabaret at Peterborough Players and in the fall they performed a full- length show at Harlows Pub as a fundraiser for the Peterborough Childrens Choir Cecelia Choruss trip to Italy in February. They performed Love Songs for Valentines Day at the Toadstool Bookstore during Peterboroughs First Friday festivities on Feb. 7.
Last fall, Hurley sang with the Monadnock Community Chorus under the direction of Carroll Lehman, performing the contralto solos in Vivaldis Gloria. She also has performed with the Souhegan Valley Chorus, the Temple Jazz Band, Maria Belvas Mariposa Choir, Nancy Brown, the Local Vocals, the Musical Moms, and pianist Lisa Ferrill. She also has performed in several musicals including Peterboroughs Actors Circle Theatre production of Oklahoma. She is presently performing as a soloist with the Christian Science Church.
Hurley lives in Peterborough with her husband, Robert Bolt, and three daughters. Her oldest daughter, Elissa, is studying writing at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, and her twin daughters, Julia and Kristin, are juniors at Conval High School in Peterborough.