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Background to 9/11 and Our Present Options

KEENE, N.H. 10/20/02 Donald Johnson, KSC class of 1953 and professor emeritus at New York University, will address Background to September 11 and Our Present Options on Monday, Nov. 4, at 7 p.m. in the Mountain View Room of the Student Center. Johnsons visit is sponsored by the journalism faculty and the Keene State chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

At NYU, Dr. Johnson taught courses on Asian studies, world history, and comparative culture, chaired the Asian Studies department, and, for 20 years, conducted an on-site graduate program featuring summer study in India, China, and Japan. He has written several books including Multi-Culturalism: In the Curriculum, in the Disciplines and in the Society and numerous articles about Asian issues.

He has given many presentations on Asia, world history and the background to September 11 and recently served on the National Commission for Asia in the Schools, chaired by former N.C. governor James Hunt.

Johnson lives in Deering, where he serves as speaker for the New Hampshire Humanities Council and consultant to school districts interested in globalizing their curricula and continues to work on several writing projects.

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