What Youre Doing Wins Hildebrandt Awards
KEENE, N.H. 4/11/02 A song called What Youre Doing won Andreas Lawrence top honors at the Hildebrandt Awards, held on Monday evening at Keene State College. Lawrence, a native of Troy, N.H., won $500 for his entry. He accompanied himself on guitar.
The Hildebrandt Awards is a Keene State event that remembers the Holocaust by way of student and community art. The event is scheduled during the week of Yom HaShoah, an international remembrance of the Holocaust.
Prizes of $150 went to KSC students Samantha L. Hounsell and Logan Gabriel, for dance and musical pieces respectively. The high school award was given to Stephanie Hastings of Keene High School, and Patricia Robinson won the community award, both for poems.
Receiving honorable mentions were KSC student Lilly Goldberg, Yearning (sculpture); KHS students Heather Murphy and Karen Boyer, Auschwitz (video); KSC Continuing Education student Eileen Driscoll, The Jews in Medieval England: Image and Reality (essay); and KSC student Louis McDavid, The Power of the Light (graphic arts).
Susan Herman, professor of management and chair of the Hildebrandt Awards Committee, acknowledged the quality of the entries. A concern for Holocaust issues lives on in these young peoples minds and art, she said. They ask us to consider how we keep reliving this period in history, where we are going with our memories, and what we take away with us.