Professional Activities at Keene State
KEENE, N.H. 10/31/01 These are among recent accomplishments by Keene State College faculty and staff members:Kwangseek Choe, associate professor of management, published TOC (Theory of Constraints) - A Password for Innovation in Korea. This book introduces the Theory of Constraints developed by Dr. Eli Goldratt in the 1980s and discusses the fundamentals of identifying and solving the problems created by constraints. William D. Pardus, professor emeritus of music, was the recipient of the New Hampshire Music Teachers Association 2001 N.H. Commissioned Composers Award. Pardus has been commissioned to compose a work for saxophone and MIDI (electronic sounds), which was premiered at KSC on October 20 in the Alumni Recital Hall of the Redfern Arts Center on Brickyard Pond. Craig Sylvern, assistant professor of music, performed the premiere with accompaniment engineering by Pardus. Klaus J. Bayr, professor of geography, was the co-author of a poster presentation with Dorothy K. Hall of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, at the Eastern Snow Conference, held May 14-18, in Ottawa, Ontario. The presentation, Changes in the Pasterze Glacier, Austria, as Measured from the Ground and Space, dealt with the ongoing research into the recession of glaciers due to climatic changes.Diane M. Monahan, assistant professor of communication, presented her paper Employees Responses to Aggression in the Workplace at the International Communication Association conference in Washington, D.C., on May 27. David Price, associate professor of history, published his article The Political Economy of Sacrifice in Durrenmatts The VisitSouthern Humanities Review.Al Rydant, professor of geography and Ray Jobin, assistant professor of education, received a $56,000 grant from the National Geographic Society Grosvenor Grant Program for teacher training, video production, and dissemination of a vermicomposting geographic curriculum guide.Rosemary Gianno, associate professor of anthropology/sociology, had her article Archive for Aboriginal Malaysians published in the September 2001 issue of the Anthropology News. The article concerns the establishment of the Orang Asli Archive at Mason Library. Maura Glennon, assistant professor of music, was a visiting guest artist in the Housewright Heritage Music Series in Tallahassee, Fla. Roland Higgins, professor of history and international studies, presented The Prince and the Painter: Forgotten Works of Art from Hirohitos European Tour of 1921 at the New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies at Williams College on Oct. 13.Jerry Jasinski, professor of chemistry, and co-authors recently published the article Crystal structures of copper (II) complexes of 2-formylpyridine substituted thiosemicarbazones; the first example of a coordinated thiosemicarbazone with a thiol function in the Journal of Molecular Structure, 570, 129-136 (2001). A second article, Structural study of two N(4)-substituted thiosemicarbazones prepared from 1-phenyl-1,2-propanedione-2-oxime and their binuclear nickel(II) complexes, is in press in the same journal.Klaus Bayr, professor of geography, and Sarah Sanborn, a geography major, gave a presentation at the annual Northeast-St. Lawrence Geographic Association meeting at New Bedford, Mass. on Oct. 20. They presented Snow Measurements: A Local Field Experience and discussed the collection of snow data in the Keene area for the Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA). At the same event, Chris Cusack, assistant professor of geography, presented NASCAR: Racing Across New England. Sander Lee, professor of philosophy, presented Moral Relativism and Despair in Graham Greenes The Ministry of Fear to the Northern New England Philosophy Association at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., on October 19.
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