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Golden Circle Society

Celebrating Keene State’s Golden Circle Society this summer!

The Golden Circle Society at Keene State College is open to all alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago. If you graduated in or earlier than 1974, you and your guest are welcome to attend.

Golden Circle Luncheons

Please join us for this Keene State College Golden Circle Society luncheon at various locations across the state this summer. If you graduated in or before 1974, you and your guest are welcome. Social Hour will begin at 11:30, lunch is served at noon. Registrations for Golden Circle luncheons will open in May; however, you may want to save the dates for 2024!

See 2024 luncheon dates here

The Legacy of the Golden Circle Society

At Reunion in 1986, F. Marion Tebbetts Wood ‘26 organized a special alumni gathering during the class meeting time and called it the Golden Circle. The group met primarily during Reunion for many years.

In 1997, Norma Walker ‘51, who was serving on the Alumni Board, organized a gathering for alumni living at the Havenwood Heritage Heights Retirement Community in Concord. Barbara Auderer Goodridge ‘34 attended that event and suggested that Norma organize a luncheon at the Cat ‘n’ Fiddle, also in Concord. Walker got an enthusiastic response, and the Golden Circle luncheons were off and running!

Contact Alumni and Constituent Relations

Barry Alumni House
229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435-2701
☎ 603-358-2369