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Distinguished Teacher Award

The KSC Alumni Association has built a record of recognizing outstanding faculty for contributions to the quality of the academic programs and the education of students. Excellence in teaching is based upon the following criteria: excellence in classroom teaching, encouragement of critical and independent thinking, rapport with students in and out of the class- room, and effective student advising.

  • Excellence in classroom teaching: Describe the nominee’s classroom style, inside the classroom and beyond. If possible, this should include examples from more than one class. Originality and/or creative approach to classroom teaching is of primary importance.

  • Rapport with students: Illustrate the manner in which the nominee interacts with students, both in and out of the classroom. Of particular interest is the way in which the nominee secures the respect and confidence of the students they teach and of their colleagues.

  • Encouraging critical and independent thinking: Explain the activities that demonstrate the nominee’s ability to encourage critical and independent thinking, thus developing constructive analytical skills and attitudes in students.

  • Positive attitude towards students and student advisement: Cite examples that demonstrate the nominee’s ability to inspire students through intellectual endeavors, personal integrity, and enthusiasm for learning.


Recipients must be full-time, tenure-track faculty with at least three years of teaching time at Keene State College.

Supporting Documentation Must Include:

  • Completed nomination form
  • A minimum of three (3) and not more than five (5) recommendation of support forms. One (1) of those must be from Keene State College alumni. Please also include letters from colleagues and students if possible.

Previous Award Recipients

Year Recipients
2024 Sarah McGregor, Physics
2023 Chris Parsons, English Education
2022 Julio Del Sesto ’07, Journalism
2021 Katherine Tirabassi, English
2020 Vince Ferlini, Mathematics
2019 Denise Junge, Chemistry
2018 Hank Knight, Cohen Center
2017 Rebecca Davis-Kelly, Graphic Design
2016 Loren Launen, Biology
2015 Christopher Cusack, Geography
2014 Prudence Cuper, Education
2013 Patrick Dolenc, Economics
2012 Susan Whittemore, Biology
2011 William Seigh, Dance
2010 Beverly Ferrucci, Mathematics
2009 Anne-Marie Mallon, English & Women’s Studies
2008 Paul Vincent, Holocaust Studies
2007 Therese Seibert, Sociology
2006 JoBeth Mullens, Geography
2005 Gregory Knouff, History
2004 Neal Pruchansky, Management
2003 Jan Youga, English
2002 Ockle Johnson, Mathematics
2001 Nancy Lory, Special Education
2000 Kenneth Bergman, Biology
1999 Douglas Nelson, Music
1998 Charles Weed, Political Science
1997 Edith Notman, Theatre
1996 Glenna Mize, Education
1995 Klaus Bayr, Geography
1994 Charles A. Hildebrandt, Sociology
1993 Janet Grayson, English
1992 David B. Andrews, Psychology
1991 Albert Rydant, Geography
1990 David R. Leinster, History
1989 Eleanor Vander Haegen, Sociology
1988 Virginia Trumbull, Special Education
1987 Lawrence M. Benaquist, Film
1986 Jo Beth Wolf, Political Science
1985 David E. White, Education
1984 Richard E. Cunningham, English
1983 Norman Silberdick, Management
1982 Hubert C. Bird, Music
1981 Stephen Stepenuck, Chemistry
1980 Peter H. Jenkins, Psychology
1979 Michael G. LeParte, Sociology
1978 Cornelius R. Lyle II, Journalism
1977 Stephen M. Smith, Education
1976 Malcom H. Keddy, English
1975 Henry Freedman, Art
1974 Joan B. Davis, Social Science
1973 Keith V. King, Physical Education
1972 Michael J. Franklin, Education
1971 Ann C. Peters, Mathematics and Education

Contact Alumni and Constituent Relations

Barry Alumni House
229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435-2701
☎ 603-358-2369