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Operational Needs Funding Request Process

Policy Effective Date: 11/1/2011 As Approved by Cabinet

This Operational Needs Funding Request Process is designed to distinguish operational needs from strategic proposals.


  • Operational funding requests support current activities. Such needs are usually triggered by an unusual event. Examples include rate increase in a contracted service, equipment failure, or unexpected regulatory change.
  • Operational funding requests should normally be met through cost center and/or Principal Administrator budgets, if possible. If the Principal Administrator cannot cover the cost, s/he will use this process to request campus funding support. If funding is sought from College general, contingency or reserve funds, Cabinet will review operational needs on a quarterly basis (normally at the 1st Cabinet meeting of October, February, May, and August). If the request is for an emergency or is time sensitive, it will be reviewed at the next scheduled Cabinet meeting.
  • Typically, shall be specific to a single department, and have no impact on other departments.
  • Has limited fiscal impact to the College.
  • Ordinarily, benefitted position requests will come through the College Planning Commons but it is conceivable that certain position requests may come through this process (such as a temporary or term replacement for someone on medical or other unanticipated leave).
  • At the discretion of the Cabinet, individual requests presented as Operational may be referred to the College Planning Commons.


Requestor Responsibility:

  • All requests should be specific as to the dollar amount being requested, account(s) impacted, whether the need is one-time or recurring, and the FOAPAL to which the supplemental budget should be placed.
  • Requests should indicate what reallocations have already been made to support the item, and if unable to support through further reallocation, then a brief explanation as to why that is the case.
  • Requests that are being submitted as an emergency or time sensitive need to be specific as to the cause of the urgency.
  • Requests need to identify a point of contact for clarification and communication.
  • Requests shall be sent to the Cost Center Manager and/or PA and must be copied to the associate vice president for finance.

Business Office Responsibility:

  • Compile all requests, with pertinent data including clarifications that may result from a discussion with the requestor, Cost Center manager, or PA, and present the log of requests to the vice president for finance and planning/CFO.
  • Provide contextual information about the budget situation for the unit or Cost Center for the Cabinet’s consideration.
  • Receive the results of the decisions from the special assistant to the president and:
    • Transact the approved changes,
    • Update financial models as appropriate should the approval relate to recurring funding, and
    • Update the request log to show the disposition of the request.

VPFP/CFO Responsibility:

  • Inform the associate vice president for finance of the date scheduled for Cabinet meetings at which operational funding needs will be reviewed, and of the date at which any urgent operational funding needs will be reviewed.
  • Receive the request log and related materials and convey it to Cabinet members in advance of the meeting, along with any commentary or additional relevant information.

Special Assistant to the President Responsibility:

  • Communicate the results of decisions to the original requestor and to the associate vice president for finance.

For further development:

  • Clarification about how this relates to all fund types, especially regarding use of income over budget or unit reserve funds.
  • Review and refine after one year’s experience.

About this Policy

Operational Needs Funding Request Process
Ownership: Business Office
Last Modified: Oct 30, 2017 –
Cabinet Approval
Categories: Administrative
For questions regarding this policy, please contact the policy owner.
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