Note Taking Services
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) will provide note taking services for students who have a documented disability that verifies the need for such academic adjustment. Note takers are students hired by ODS that are taking the course where notes are needed. Note takers are expected to type lecture notes in a timely manner and upload them to a Canvas account for the student to access. The note taking services process is confidential, as the note taker does not know who they are taking notes for.
Requests for note taking services is done at the beginning of each semester with the student’s ODS counselor. If there are issues with quality or timeliness of posting, it is the student’s responsibility to notify their ODS counselor in order to remediate the situation. There may be times we will need to contact your faculty in order for them to refer students as potential note takers. Typically we are able to secure note takers by searching our database of student workers.
ODS reserves the right to cancel note taking services if the student is not accessing posted notes for a prolonged period of time. Reminders and warnings of cancellation for non-use are emailed to the student on multiple occasions prior to cancelling the service. Students reserve the right to meet with their ODS counselor to review the need for note taking services with the possibility of re-instituting the accommodation.
Students who utilize note taking services must also abide by the following:
- Students must notify ODS when they drop or withdraw from a course in which they have requested note taking services.
- The student is not permitted to copy the file to distribute to others.
- Students receiving note taker services are still required to abide by classroom attendance policies and will be held accountable for absences.
8/12/22 hms