Laboratory & Academic Space Safety
The College has no higher priority than ensuring all members of its campus community are safe as they engage in their academic activities in the various research labs, art studios, and machine shops on campus. Additionally, grant sponsors require that no funds be released until all applicable safety compliance requirements have been met. To that end, members of the campus community are referred to the following safety procedures and training materials.
If you have questions or concerns about the safety of personnel in any of our laboratories or academic spaces, please contact Ralph Stuart via email or 603-358-2859.
Laboratory & Academic Space Safety
When research is conducted that involves biological or chemical hazards, it is essential that individuals follow the approved Chemical and Biological Safety Plan.
Prior to conducting any research involving biological or chemical hazards, faculty must contact Ralph Stuart via email or 603-358-2859 for laboratory safety training.
Faculty responsibilities include:
- Staying up to date on current safety practices and environmental regulations by attending and participating in all required training workshops and/or on-line training;
- Faculty are responsible for ensuring that all research and laboratory activities are reviewed and approved by the Chemical and Biological Safety Committee prior to conducting any new research;
- Ensuring laboratory workers and lab students understand how to work with chemicals safely;
- Providing laboratory workers with appropriate engineering controls and personal protective equipment needed to work safely with hazardous materials, and ensuring such equipment is used correctly;
- Ensuring laboratory workers and lab students receive chemical and procedure-specific training, including attendance at general training give by EHS;
- Ensuring laboratory workers and lab students are aware of the “Right to Know” law and have access to MSDS’s at any time;
- Reviewing and approving use of and/or work with particularly hazardous substances;
- Investigating accidents and chemical exposures within the department;
- Approving laboratory worker’s return to work following a chemical exposure requiring medical consultation; and,
- Adjunct faculty activities that involve the use of chemical and/or biological agents must be approved by the Department chairperson or his/her designee.
If you have questions regarding this plan, please contact Ralph Stuart via email or 603-358-2859.
Laboratory Safety Training
Faculty, staff, and students needing laboratory safety training should contact:
Chemical Hygiene Officer
Ralph Stuart
Physical Plant
Student Researchers: All students paid to conduct research as part of externally funded grants must complete online laboratory safety training through BioRAFT, followed by approximately 30 minutes of supplemental instruction regarding Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements conducted by the KSC EHS officer Ralph Stuart. Complete the online training first and then provide your BioRAFT certificate number to KSC EHS and arrange for a meeting. Group sessions for laboratories are available. Please contact Ralph Stuart.