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Emergency Action Plan

  1. Purpose
  2. Crisis Team Members Roles and Responsibities


This plan has been put together to provide direction to employees in the case of a critical incident. A critical incident is defined as an event that disrupts the everyday life of the campus or poses a threat to the safety and well being of campus community members. Critical incidents may range from the tragedy of a student death to a situation threatening the public perception of the College to the threat or reality of a natural disaster. A critical incident is a situation that requires an immediate and coordinated action from the College.

It is each departments responsibility to develop a department specific Emergency Action Plan. At a minimum, the plan must involve annual training on how to evacuate in the event of an emergency, and where designated meeting locations are.

Additional rules that apply in an emergency are:

  • In the event of a medical emergency (for example - but not limited to - loss of consciousness, chest pain, severe cut/laceration, uncontrolled bleeding, alcohol poisoning, broken bone, etc.), involving a student, visitor, Keene State employee or contractor, please contact 911 immediately. Health Services would be the appropriate referral for a student with a non critical need for medical care during the hours of 8 AM - 4:30 PM.
  • In the event of a fire, large chemical spill, or any incident where immediate emergency medical attention is needed, please call 911 immediately! If you are not sure outside help or medical attention is needed, contact Campus Safety at 8 2228. In the event of a motor vehicle accident, small gas spill, or small chemical spill, contact Campus Safety at 8 2228.
  • An employee who experiences an accident or is injured while at work should report information about the incident immediately to his or her supervisor. If non urgent medical attention is required, Keene State College worker’s pensation medical providers are either the Emergency Room at Dartmouth Hitchcock Keene or the Dartmouth Keene Clinic Occupational Health department.
  • During any emergency event, if it is unclear on who to contact, contact Campus Safety.

Crisis Team Members Roles and Responsibities


The President is the overall director of the College’s crisis response.

  1. Declare a campus emergency, when situation requires a coordinated campus response
  2. Convene the Crisis Team
  3. Authorize the evacuation and/or closing of campus facilities
  4. Direct emergency operations or designate emergency manager
  5. Liaison to USNH and State of NH
  6. Arrange necessary communication with Chancellor, Chair of Board, and Governor, as appropriate
  7. Insure campus preparedness for campus emergencies

Executive Assistant to the President

The Executive Assistant is a member of the campus crisis team.

  1. Responsible for supporting the President and the other members of the Crisis Team in crisis management and response.

Vice President for Academic Affairs

The VPAA is a member of the campus crisis team.

  1. Responsible for managing all academic aspects of crisis, including suspension of academic policies, emergency modifications of the academic calendar, and rescheduling of academic classes.
  2. Has primary responsibility for communication with faculty.

Vice President for Finance and Planning

The VPFP is a member of the campus crisis team· Responsible for managing all physical aspects of crisis.

  1. Liaison to officials of the City of Keene, including the Mayor and City Manager.
  2. Supervises crisis responsibilities of other F&P staff, including purchasing director (emergency supplies), director of campus technology services, physical plant.

Vice President for Student Affairs

The VPSA is a member of the campus crisis team.

  1. Responsible for managing all aspects of crisis effecting student life, dining, residence, health services, counseling.
  2. Has primary responsibility for communication with students and
  3. Supervises crisis responsibilities of other SA staff, including residential life, Spaulding gymnasium, campus safety, health and counseling services

Director of Campus Safety

The Director of Campus Safety is a member of the campus crisis team.

  1. Primary responsibility for safety of students, faculty and staff
  2. Coordination/collaboration with external emergency agencies and law enforcement agencies, including the Keene Police, the NH State Police, and the FBI.
  3. Supervise crisis responsibilities of other campus safety staff
  4. Coordinate vehicle movement.
  5. Coordinate campus evacuation.

Director of College Relations

The Director of CRO is a member of the crisis team.

  1. Coordinate dissemination of information to all constituencies during and after crisis.
  2. Restore and maintain KSC Web site

Director of Health Services

  1. To provide medical assistance when and where needed
  2. Maintains inventory of emergency medical supplies

Director of Physical Plant

  1. Secure buildings in severe weather
  2. Coordinate/collaborate with utility companies and other emergency facility services and with UNICO
  3. Assess physical damage

Director of Counseling Services

  1. To arrange support services for KSC students when and where needed

Grounds Supervisor

  1. To maintain an inventory of emergency supplies

Safety Specialist/EHS Coordinator

  1. Direct efforts to control hazardous materials
  2. Assist in assessment of other safety and environmental hazards.

Director of Network Services

  1. Restore and maintain campus network services
  2. Restore and maintain telephone service
  3. Maintenance of network crisis plan

Director of Human Resources

  1. Arrange for expedited services of temporary employees when required
  2. Manage all issues related to employee pay and benefits.

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations

  1. Assist the Director of College Relations in the dissemination of information to alumni and parents.

About this Policy

Emergency Action Plan
Ownership: Environmental Health & Safety
Last Modified: Oct 30, 2017 –
Categories: Safety
For questions regarding this policy, please contact the policy owner.
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