Academic Warning, Probation, and Suspension
Each student is responsible for becoming aware of, and meeting, the standard established for academic performance at Keene State College. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 is required to be in good academic standing. Failure to achieve the specified, minimum scholarship standard will result in academic probation or possible academic suspension. The Registrar’s Office typically evaluates the academic standing of students at the end of each semester. However, students who are admitted in the summer term as their first academic term will be evaluated at the end of that summer term only. Subsequently, grades earned during the summer term will impact the student’s cumulative GPA, but will not change their academic standing.
Academic Warning Any student who has earned a term GPA of less than 2.0 for any given semester, but the cumulative GPA is at or above the required minimum for satisfactory academic progress, and/or who withdraws, is withdrawn, or receives a grade of W from all courses during any given semester without having withdrawn from the college, will be placed on academic warning. This warning alerts the student to potential difficulties and to potential loss of financial aid eligibility. The student is encouraged to contact his or her academic advisor, who will assist in the development of improved study plans.
Academic Probation Any matriculated student who has a cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 1.00 and less than 2.00 will be placed on academic probation for the following semester if:
- It is at least their second semester attending Keene State
- It is their first semester attending Keene State and their cumulative GPA is greater than or equal to 1.00 and less than 2.00
A student who fails to improve their cumulative GPA to a minimum of 2.00 at the conclusion of the first semester of probation will be assigned a second and final semester of probation. A student who fails to achieve the required cumulative GPA of 2.00 at the conclusion of the second successive semester on probation will be suspended. With the exception of an error by the College in assessing or recording academic performance, a student may not appeal for reinstatement. If a student should receive a grade of Incomplete in any semester on probation, the student’s status going forward will be determined by the GPA for graded courses only. Should the grade submitted for the incomplete improve the student’s status, an adjustment will be made. Should a change of grade be submitted that was not previously an incomplete, the student must notify the Registrar’s Office for a reevaluation.
Deferred Suspension (Referred to as “Probation 3” or “Prob 3” on transcripts) Any student in their second semester of probation that has made notable improvements in their GPA but still falls short of the required cumulative GPA of 2.0 will be placed on deferred suspension. To be considered for deferred suspension a student must have successfully completed a minimum of 12 credits, may not have received an F in any course, and their semester GPA must be at or above a 2.0. It must also be possible for them to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 by the end of the semester of deferred suspension. If, at the end of the semester of deferred suspension, the student has not achieved a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, they will be placed on academic suspension. If a student should receive a grade of Incomplete during the semester of deferred suspension, the student’s status will be determined by the GPA graded courses only. No future adjustments will be made to a student’s status once the grade has been submitted for the incomplete.
Academic Suspension A minimum grade point average of 1.00 is required of new students (first year) following their first semester and readmit students following their first semester of readmittance. Failure to meet this requirement will result in automatic suspension. With the exception of an error by the College in assessing or recording academic performance, a student may not appeal for reinstatement.
Students who enroll in the Fresh Start Program Pilot will be able to remain enrolled in the spring semester as a full-time student and not be automatically suspended, even though they did not meet a grade point average of 1.00 in the fall semester. Students must be fully in compliance with all the requirements of the Fresh Start Program to be able to utilize this deferred suspension. This program will be available through the end of academic year 2024-25.
A student who fails to achieve the required cumulative GPA of 2.00 at the conclusion of the second successive semester on probation will be suspended. With the exception of an error by the College in assessing or recording academic performance, a student may not appeal for reinstatement.
Academic suspension from Keene State College results in the loss of matriculated status for a minimum of one fall or spring semester immediately following the notice of suspension. Suspension excludes students from all nonacademic activities at Keene State College. However, academically-suspended students may enroll for a maximum of 8 credits during a fall or spring semester or during the summer school program (session 1 and 2 combined) through the Office of Graduate Studies and Extended Education, formerly known as Continuing Education.
If completion of these courses causes the student’s cumulative grade point average to meet or exceed the appropriate minimum scholarship standard, then the student may apply for readmission to the College for the semester following the mandatory semester of separation.
The criteria for readmission are specified in the Readmission Requirements policy statement in the Undergraduate Admission section of this catalog.
Grade Appeal Process If a student believes that he or she has not been graded according to criteria contained in the course syllabus, or has been graded unfairly or inaccurately, the student should pursue the Grade Appeals process defined elsewhere in the Academic Policies section of this catalog. The student should inform the Office of the Registrar in writing that a grade appeal is in process, including the specific course(s) and grade(s) in question.
In cases where an error has been made by the College in assessing or recording academic performance (e.g., incorrect grade, calculation of GPA), the appropriate adjustments will be made to the student’s official academic record. If warranted, a student’s academic standing will be corrected and the academically suspended student will be reinstated.