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Construction Safety Sciences, Peter Spanos

Construction Safety Sciences

Bachelors Degree in Construction Safety

Keene State College is the first in the nation to offer a bachelor’s degree in construction safety sciences. The major prepares you for a variety of occupational safety and health program management positions in private and public construction. We emphasize critical thinking, hazard identification and prioritization, problem solving, cost effectiveness, professional skills in programmatic management, and safety and environmental regulatory compliance.

Program Options

You may choose either a major (bachelor of science) or a minor in construction safety sciences.

Successful Construction Safety majors have the opportunity to join the student chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals and Rho Kappa Sigma (RSK), the national safety honor society. Internships and safety boot camps are also available.

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Career and Other Opportunities

Graduates from Keene State’s program will be prepared to pursue graduate study or immediately begin careers in:

  • loss control
  • risk management
  • organizational safety
  • consulting

“The difference between Keene State students and students coming out of other safety programs is day and night. Keene State students are better at speaking, conversing, the knowledge is better, and I feel the college is preparing students for what they will face. KSC safety professors have been in the industry for years and years and know what companies are looking for.”

Matthew Hardy ‘09, safety engineer
Clark Construction Group based in Bethesda, MD.


This degree prepares graduates for employment as an independent or team member charged with assuring worker health and safety on a variety of construction projects. Graduates are able to think critically to anticipate and assess risk during pre-planning and design phases; analyze the properties of work hazards and practices to research best practice controls; communicate necessary steps to control hazards with varying audiences; measure and assess the effectiveness of controls interacting with a diverse workforce; apply ethical and professional judgment to assure worker safety and health, and meet applicable codes of conduct and ethical behavior.

Constructions Safety, B.S, Total Credits: 120

Core Courses

Safety Awareness

Studies the impact of accidents, develops strategies to eliminate, mitigate accident outcomes through education and awareness. Identifies factors associated with activities at school, home, and work that result in accidents. By applying this knowledge people can make informed decisions leading to minimum risk and maximum success. Not open to Safety majors with more than 12 credits in SOHAS. Fall, spring.

Risk Management

Introduces key Risk Management and Loss Prevention principles through exploration of allied consensus standards including OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program, OHSAS 18001 Safety Management System, LEAN Management and Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001. Prerequisites: Safety and Occupational Health Applied Science or Construction Safety majors or minors only. Minimum of 20 credits in SAFE. Fall, Spring.

Environmental Law and Regulation

Develops an understanding of the system of laws and regulations that protect the environment, human health, and natural resources. The role of science in the legal/regulatory process will be emphasized, as will federal/state regulatory processes and requirements. Prerequisite: ENST 253, or SAFE 302, or permission of instructor. Cross-listed as ENST 304. Fall.

Construction Safety Practices

An overview of best safety practices in the construction industry through course work and guest presentations by national professional experts in construction safety. A systematic approach to occupational safety and health management systems into the organizational structure and operations of construction companies will be examined. Prerequisites: Safety or Construction Safety majors/minors only. Minimum of 16 credits in Safety and Occupational Health Applied Sciences.

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☎ 603-358-2276
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Keene, New Hampshire 03435