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MusicMexico: Keene State College Concert Band & Dartmouth College Wind Ensemble

Redfern Arts Center
Saturday, · -

The Keene State College Concert Band welcomes the Dartmouth College Wind Ensemble for a joint concert of music by modern Mexican composers. Featuring the music of Nubia Jaime Donjuan, Juan Pablo Contreras, Gabriela Ortiz, Rodrigo Lomán, Omar Arellano, Horacio Fernandez and more, we celebrate the richness of Mexican musical culture and promote its performance in the United States. Conductors Dr. John Hart (Keene State College) and Dr. Brian Messier (Dartmouth College) are also thrilled welcome Luis Manuel Sánchez and his students from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) who will perform with both groups, as well as the Dartmouth College Clarinet Choir and Saxophone Quartet. Please join the composers for an engaging pre-concert talk (6:00pm) in which they will share what their music means to them, enriching the audience’s understanding appreciation for music in Mexican culture.

This event is part of the RAC Music Department calendar and is open to the public.
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Redfern Box Office
Categories: Arts, Music
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To request accommodations for a disability, please contact the coordinator at least two weeks prior to the event.

Contact Keene State College

229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435