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KSC TV: Journalism, Multimedia, Public Relations



Keene State College has the only stand-alone, four-year journalism degree program in the University System of New Hampshire, and one of the few such programs in New England. The major prepares students for careers in the journalism and other media production industries by enabling them to build print, broadcast, and multimedia skills in an applied setting.

Here are some examples of hands-on experiences students at KSC participate in:

  • Work as a reporter, photographer, video producer, graphic designer, or editor for the award-winning school newspaper, The Equinox
  • Work in the TV studio as a reporter, anchor, audio engineer, producer, or director on productions like KSC-TV News, Sentinel Sources, and Inside Owl Athletics
  • Host a radio show on WKNH, the college’s radio station.
  • Live-stream athletics and other events across campus
  • Participate in internships with organizations such as the Keene Sentinel, WMUR, and NHPR

The Journalism curriculum at Keene State College emphasizes the concepts of press objectivity, fairness, accuracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, as well as the development of analytical writing, research, message creation, production, and presentation skills.

The Keene State Journalism Department and our students have been active in the community and rewarded for outstanding accomplishments. Keene State Journalism students have won more than 350 international, national, regional, and statewide awards from such organizations as the Society for Collegiate Journalists, Society of Professional Journalists, Society of Environmental Journalists, New Hampshire Press Association, the New England Society of Newspaper Editors, The Kennedy Center Institute for Theater Journalism and Advocacy, and the College Media Association. Journalism faculty recognize Constitution Day annually with events and work with the American Democracy Project to provide election-oriented panels and other events.

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Career and Other Opportunities

JMPR majors and minors go on to work with:

  • newspapers,
  • magazines,
  • radio and television stations,
  • internet media outlets
  • public relations firms,
  • corporate public relations
  • governmental public affairs departments


Graduates from Keene State’s journalism program can gather, research, and analyze information; write news for publication; organize and implement public relations campaigns and strategic communications; understand media law and ethics; use a variety of mass media tools; and think critically about mass media.

Contact Admissions

Admissions Office
☎ 603-358-2276
229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435