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Student group facilitators sought

From Dottie Morris, Diversity and Multiculturalism:

The “Can we talk?: Conversations on Diversity in Action” planning committee (Linda Baker, Shannon Jordan, Elizabeth Nieckoski, Dottie Morris and Rebecca Eller) would like your help recruiting students to serve as group facilitators. We are asking you to nominate students you think would be interested in facilitating a series of five discussion sessions about a specific diversity related topic. The conversation groups will consist of eight to ten other students who are interested in acquiring a deeper understanding of a diversity related topic. Each group will have two student facilitators.

We are looking for students whom you believe have the potential to become excellent facilitators and who have a general interest in addressing issues of diversity. They do not necessarily need to be the most knowledgeable when it comes to diversity, but they should have a willingness to learn and an open mind as it pertains to topics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, ability and class.

Student facilitators will receive training starting in October. They will be asked to commit to the equivalent of two days training. This training will include learning group facilitation skills and obtaining detailed information about general diversity issues as well as specific topics. Students will co-facilitate the five 90-minute sessions starting in February. Each facilitation pair will be assigned a faculty or staff mentor to help prepare for the group meetings and to debrief after the meetings.

Benefits to the students are many! The students will learn valuable facilitation skills and contribute significantly to diversity efforts within the Keene State College community. In addition, there is the potential of completing an independent study, internship or community service opportunity.

If you have students you think would be interested, please forward their contact information to Dottie Morris at and Shannon Jordan at by September 27.

Contact Marketing & Communications

Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119