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Good News from the Class of 2010 Survey

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Happy student at graduation.

In October 2015, we surveyed alumni who graduated in 2010, to see how many of them are employed or pursuing further education, and whether their employment or further education is related to their studies at KSC. Here are some of the highlights from what they told us:

  • Alumni continue to view their KSC education positively; 85% of respondents indicated that they would recommend KSC to friends and siblings, and 83% reported that they were satisfied with their KSC Education.
  • Five years after graduation, 95% of the respondents are either employed or engaged in graduate education.
  • Ninety-one percent of the respondents reported that they are employed; 8% indicated that they are not employed by choice (for example, to care for family members or enroll in graduate study).
  • Among those who are employed, 73% reported that their current position is closely related or somewhat related to their studies at KSC; of these, 80% reported that KSC had prepared them well or very well for their current work.
  • Thirty-eight percent of the respondents reported that they had enrolled in one or more graduate education programs at some point after graduating from Keene State College; of these 91% were master’s degree programs, and 9% were in doctoral programs.
  • Among those who have engaged in graduate education, 86% reported that their studies were related or closely related to their studies at KSC; of these, 100% judged that KSC had prepared them well or very well for this next step in their education. (For example, see what Christopher Cameron ’06, now an assistant professor of history at UNC Charlotte, said about the preparation he received at Keene State.)

You can read the complete report here.

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