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Human Trafficking Across Globe

An investigation into the global problem of human trafficking, beginning with ancient societies and ending with contemporary forms of trafficking and slavery. Explores the roles of war, genocide, colonialism, and globalization in allowing human trafficking to flourish and analyzes why and how it persists today. Prerequisite: 24 ISP credits, including ITW 101 and QL. Spring.

Section: IHHGS-381-01C
Credits: 4
Faculty: Ashley L Greene
Days: M
Times: 10:00AM‑12:30PM (M)
Start/End Date: 07/01/24 - 08/09/24
Instruction Method: Online Course

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  • Call us at (603) 358-2290
    Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Visit our office at:
    Elliot Hall, First Floor, Suite 144
    Keene State College
  • Register Online

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