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Pedestrian/Driving Safety Reminders

From the Health and Safety Committee:

Please be careful when crossing streets and driving, especially when visibility is decreased because of low sun angles in the morning and afternoon or fog.

For Pedestrians:

  • Always use designated crosswalks and look both ways before entering.
  • There is danger in the dark - the biggest being vehicles that don’t expect you or can’t see you. Walk defensively and take pains to be visible. Drivers cannot easily see you through fogged windows and poor weather, and night vision dims with age. Wear white or light colors and reflective accessories at night. White can be seen up to about 200 feet, while black can be seen at most about 20 feet at night. When riding at dawn, dusk, or night, remember to use a bike light and wear bright reflective clothing in order to make yourself as visible as possible
  • As noted above, take care when crossing streets, especially at sunrise and sunset when low sun angles can be temporarily blinding and at dusk and night time when visibility is reduced.
  • Although pedestrians have the right of way when crossing in cross walks and at intersections, the pedestrian should never assume that a driver has seen them in time to stop. Be sure to make eye contact with the driver and that they are planning to stop for you! Remember—it is the pedestrian that will get hurt, not the car.
  • Do not dart out between parked cars.
  • Pay attention when walking through parking lots—drivers backing out of parking spaces may not see you.
  • Walk towards oncoming traffic when walking along a road without a sidewalk.
  • When crossing at a roundabout, remember that most drivers will be looking towards the left for oncoming traffic, so they may not see you if you are approaching from the right.

For Drivers:

  • Be on the lookout for pedestrians at all times, and yield to pedestrians. Remember, pedestrians have the right of way when:
  • They are in a crosswalk,
  • They are using a sidewalk, crossing an alley entrance or driveway,
  • They are blind and are crossing the street with a white, orange or metal cane or led by a guide dog.
  • When possible, park your car facing out (but stay within the designated parking space) so that you don’t have to back out—watch out for other cars and pedestrians.
  • Keep your windows clean for maximum visibility.
  • It is illegal to use cell phones or other hand held electronic devices while driving or temporarily halted in traffic for a stop sign or traffic signal or other momentary delays. New Hampshire’s Hands Free Law went into effect on July 1, 2015.
  • Slow down when approaching roundabouts–always look to your left for cars and to your right for pedestrians.

Please be courteous when sharing the roads and pathways with others, and watch out for uneven pavement while walking about. In general, the slowest person has the right of way, but always be on the lookout for other drivers, bicyclists, skateboarders, small children and other pedestrians who may not be paying attention — and DO NOT USE CELL PHONES WHILE CROSSING STREETS OR DRIVING!

Contact Marketing & Communications

Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119